Believe what you believe in!

It struck me as why must a guy dance? Doesn't it shows that it is a girl thing? Until I saw the ending, I realize how powerful the influence and persuasion it can be. Dance not only a girl thing, but together with a male, it creates an outmost atmosphere that it influence, shock surrounding people or even bring tears from the joy. Influence and control is one of the main point that is portray from Scott's father. We can see that Scott's wanted to try a new dance and did not care about the victory. Many others were brain washing him as why would you want to try a new dance that does not guarantee your win? Many believes he could have won easily by dancing the old moves but instead he was pressure by the people surrounding. Influence and control was shown by Scott's dad as he influence Scott to dance his new move at the end. As the music was cut off, Scott's dad clap his hand to make a music tempo so that Scott could continue his dance move and instead it bring tears to the audience. It not only bring tears to the audience, it also bring a type of dream come true to his dad as he wanted to dance his new move while his was young but got stop by others. Asch (1951) conformity theory can be related to Scott doing the same old dance due to the social pressure but luckily at the end his dad words touches him and did what Scott believes in. Therefore, it is important to pursue in our dreams as we what we want to be and not stop by others nor stop because of what others think we cannot achieve.

Why dance? I believe it not only trying to express self, identity and emotion but it tries to push our limit to try something new. We soon and eventually will get bored of doing the same thing every year, but why not try something new and push ourself to something out of our comfort zone? Social influence is also shown in this movie. Obedience, conformity and compliance is shown throughout the movie. But compliance is the one touches me the most. Scott changes his behaviour in dancing his own move with most help but mostly alone, because of his dad's words at the end. At first, he show obedience due to his mother wishes and wanting to win a trophy. Luckily, he show it all off, shock the crowd and his competitors. Hurrayy!
Happy yet amusing ending!
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