Tuesday 23 February 2016

Strictly Ballroom (1992)

Believe what you believe in!

It struck me as why must a guy dance? Doesn't it shows that it is a girl thing? Until I saw the ending, I realize how powerful the influence and persuasion it can be. Dance not only a girl thing, but together with a male, it creates an outmost atmosphere that it influence, shock surrounding people or even bring tears from the joy. Influence and control is one of the main point that is portray from Scott's father. We can see that Scott's wanted to try a new dance and did not care about the victory. Many others were brain washing him as why would you want to try a new dance that does not guarantee your win? Many believes he could have won easily by dancing the old moves but instead he was pressure by the people surrounding. Influence and control was shown by Scott's dad as he influence Scott to dance his new move at the end. As the music was cut off, Scott's dad clap his hand to make a music tempo so that Scott could continue his dance move and instead it bring tears to the audience. It not only bring tears to the audience, it also bring a type of dream come true to his dad as he wanted to dance his new move while his was young but got stop by others. Asch (1951) conformity theory can be related to Scott doing the same old dance due to the social pressure but luckily at the end his dad words touches him and did what Scott believes in. Therefore, it is important to pursue in our dreams as we what we want to be and not stop by others nor stop because of what others think we cannot achieve.

Why dance? I believe it not only trying to express self, identity and emotion but it tries to push our limit to try something new. We soon and eventually will get bored of doing the same thing every year, but why not try something new and push ourself to something out of our comfort zone? Social influence is also shown in this movie. Obedience, conformity and compliance is shown throughout the movie. But compliance is the one touches me the most. Scott changes his behaviour in dancing his own move with most help but mostly alone, because of his dad's words at the end. At first, he show obedience due to his mother wishes and wanting to win a trophy. Luckily, he show it all off, shock the crowd and his competitors. Hurrayy!

Happy yet amusing ending!

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)

Why most of the movie is about love? This got me thinking as most probably love is what we need and is simple as that. 

It makes me hungry when I see food but yet it satisfies us. Showing love through cooking is brilliant as nowadays youngsters prefer outside food rather than home cook food. For Chinese New Year, a reunion dinner is super duper important for the Chinese or maybe others too. But the point is that a reunion together is equal to love. By portraying many vehicles such as motorbike, vans, truck and cars in traffic, it strikes my mine as no matter how busy we are, we still come back to our family.

As in the title, eat drink man woman can be interpret to food drink sex and love. As this is such simple basic needs for an individual of a human being. As explain by Maslow, basic needs is needed to achieve self - actualization where the full potential is achieve. Mr Chu have been getting old and almost have achieve most of the basic needs whereby only have relationship problems with the three daughter. For me, I think Mr Chu have not reach self - actualization and therefore by working on the relationship he will be able to be more happy and blessed . But at the end, the relationship got better and I believe he is happy and warm once again as this is what most of the Fathers hope and want from the family. 

Sunday 7 February 2016

Gandhi (1982)

How could you sacrifice so much and stay humble at the same time? 

You would probably be the one to back away when you are scolded by some police officer. Probably to give up after many failures of being whack by police officer. Probably would not kneel on your knees and pick up the passport that is thrown on the floor. Well, not this one. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Gandhi dare to stood up to make the country and his people a better place. Due to his action, he has been a "father" to most of his people. But how does he have such persuasion over his people and why do they like him so much? 


 Humble and kind. I believe is the key of persuasion of being like and influence others. With a big heart and staying humble at the same time to make a different touches the people around you. According to Dr. Robert Cialdini (1987), there is 6 principles of persuasion which are reciprocation, social proof, commitment and consistency, liking, authority and scarcity (supply and demand). As by looking those words, it mostly explains the meaning of those words. Whereby, Gandhi shows most of this persuasion of technique in reaching to the people out there to join him. Gandhi uses his action and the power of speech to influence others to follow his footpath. For the principle of reciprocation, being first plays an huge implication. By doing what others are afraid to stand up against the British, he make a huge statement and wants everyone to stands for their rights without any violence as shown in the movie.

Gandhi fights for human rights, equal treatment nor should be discriminated with race, societal status, religion, sex or even skin colour. Gandhi fighting spirits tends to surprise me with his action where nobody is able to destroy except himself. With such great act. he not only earn the respect from me, but i guess the whole wide world. According to Maslow, people are motivated to achieve certain needs (McLeod, 2014). Whereby, he have almost fulfill most of physiological, safety, love/belonging and self esteem needs, he reaches the stage of self-actualization. He realize his personal potential or fulfillment on what to do which is to make a world a better change even he could have the chance to be a lawyer that earn big bucks.

Thank you Gandhi, for making a difference and plays a huge role model to all of us! :)


Cialdini, R. B. (1987). Compliance principles of compliance professionals: Psychologists of necessity. In Social influence: The ontario symposium (Vol. 5, pp. 165-184). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Hillsdale, NJ.
McLeod, S. A. (2014). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved from www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Running on Empty (1988)

     Most of the movie portrays LOVE. This? This is FAMILY LOVE!

     I love my family. Therefore, there is no doubt that I love how the movie portrays how the family support one another, solving the problem with one another, and even discuss romantic relationship between one another. A family without secret! A family without secret that shares everything with another is the kind of family that we all wish to grow up in this fast pace world today. As we all one day comes with trouble, the first thing we need is the support from family love. It is undeniable that blood is thicker than water, so I believe family is the pillar of strength for us! 

   In this movie, it revolves the parents of Annie and Arthur Pope whom were responsible for the anti-war protest bombing of a napalm laboratory whereby a janitor happened to be nearby and was injured badly. Bringing the guilt and crime, they have to run away and stay away from the radar. With bringing their children, they have to stick together as family is a unit to them. Attachment to them is the important thing as that is what left of them, family. 

     Having parents to support one another when we have difficult. It can not only touches our heart or melt our heart as leaving their son to further his career as a musician alone. "We all love you, now, go out there and make a difference" touches me as Danny, the eldest son from now onward have to be independent. It reflected me of an parents having to let go their precious son/daughter outside from hometown to survive and be independent, it hurts me. Nobody wants to see their child suffer. As in the movies, supporting one another as now they have only each other left, it is heart broken to leave their child alone by himself. 

     Using Bowen family systems theory to explain this such emotional bonded family. It is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit (Kerr, 2000). The family of Danny is connected emotionally to one another. In most part of the scene, Danny support and love his mother through hugs and kisses. Danny aren't afraid of walking to his dad and give him a kiss when he came home late after visiting his girlfriend after such late night. The family is bonded with such strong emotional bond and willing to love one another as now they are what they have left. Danny also bought his girlfriend, Lorna to his family. Danny's family surprisingly also accepted the girlfriend and dance with together. With this such love, anything can be done together and overcome together! 

No family is perfect… we argue, we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times. But in the end, family is family… The love will always be there.

Kerr, Michael E (2000). “One Family’s Story: A Primer on Bowen Theory.” The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family. Retrieved from http://www.thebowencenter.org.